success stories

Success stories of our customers

Be inspired by the stories of our clients who have transformed their lives, businesses, or living and working environments with the help of our consulting services. From breaking down blocks to increasing productivity, these success stories show how our approach can create real change.

Inspection by the trade office

The company was being set up and was already operating without having all the permits. An employee who had been separated filed a complaint with a friend at the Trade Licensing Office, which was followed by a summons threatening heavy fines and temporary closure of the business.

We analyzed the situation by means of information field analysis and harmonized both the meeting and the positive outcome of the procedure. In addition, we energetically cleansed the business owner, provided her with a protective shield against foreign attacks and mentally strengthened her.

The appointment was to take place with two people. However, the friend of the complainant could not be present because she was sick that day. The other person was exceptionally friendly and accommodating. The conversation was very friendly and harmonious, The documents presented were not complete, but were judged to be sufficient. The official apologized for having to issue a fine of € 80.00 in spite of everything, and thus settled the case to the satisfaction of all persons involved.

Difficult cooperation with an architect

The building owner and the architect were hopelessly at odds due to various incidents. The owners withheld payments, the architect stopped working and did not take calls. We analyzed the situation and harmonized the main problems and programmed the common information field for harmony and success. Within 3 weeks a first meeting took place, in which at least the biggest misunderstandings were cleared and a new basis for cooperation was found. After a few more weeks, the two parties were able to work together productively again and the construction project was completed quickly to the satisfaction of everyone involved.

Successful real estate sale

A condominium simply could not be sold, although both price and location were right. After several months, the third broker had already been commissioned with the sale and was also not making any progress. It then turned to us and we analyzed the property. It turned out that the soul of the owner’s mother was still trapped in the property. She had to tell her son something important before she could leave. When we cleared the situation, transmitted the information to the son and then intensively energetically cleaned the object, it was sold within a few weeks at the desired price.

Free Initial Consultation

To find out how we can take you or your business to the next level, we offer a free initial consultation.