real estate sales

Many things must be right

A successful real estate sale is a delicate matter and depends on many factors. Of course, the house must be prepared for sale, offered to the right target group and priced in line with the market.
Nevertheless, we have probably all experienced from time to time that a house simply would not sell, although all factors seem to correct. Sometimes we have fumigated it to drive away bad energies. From time to time the sale then actually did go well, frequently however it did not work out well..
In our brokerage experience of more than twenty years we have learned a lot about the energetic factors in sales. By now, we are able to pretty much determine how ready a property is for sale and what can be done to support a quick sale at a good price.

Obstructive factors can lie with the home itself as well as with the seller.

A house to feel good

It can be that prospective buyers simply do not feel comfortable in a house  The reasons can be geopathic faults, water veins, electromagnetic fields or other environmental influences. These factors can be found and neutralized.

But it can also be that there are still bound souls in the house, old curses and spells can still be in effect or other energetic beings can be in the house. Sensitive visitors notice this immediately, sometimes their hair stands on end or they even feel nauseous. Less sensitive visitors just feel a general uneasiness and have trouble imagining how they can live and feel comfortable in this house. All of this leads to marketing taking much longer and price concessions having to be made, if it doesn’t prevent the sale altogether.

When the seller can't let go....

Over time, we have discovered how incredibly important the owner’s relationship with the property is. This factor is usually completely neglected. Especially if someone has lived in a property for a longer period of time, or in extreme cases even grew up in it and spent a large part of their life in it, there is a very close and intense energetic connection between the house and the seller. As long as the seller has not detached himself emotionally and energetically, a sale is almost impossible or at least very difficult. It is therefore worth investigating: How strongly are the sellers (in the case of families, it can often be the children) still emotionally connected to the house? How much are they looking forward to something new? How well have they energetically and emotionally released the property for sale?

As strange and perhaps surprising as this sounds, we have often seen a struggling sale suddenly go through very quickly after working with the sellers and getting them to not only look forward to the new thing, but also to say goodbye to the house and release it for new owners and residents.

We are always surprised at the effectiveness of the methods we have developed and tested over the years. We work with the information and energy field and give you simple tools that you can use on the spot to prepare the house and the sellers in the best possible way for the sale and to make sure that the sale goes quickly and smoothly.

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